Visual Brand Language Project

The purpose of this project was to study the visual brand language of a company of our choice and design a product outside of what they usually produce. The key aspect of this project was to make our design match the company’s visual brand language so that you can tell the product is associated with the company without relying on the logo alone. This is done through color, texture, fonts, forms, etc.


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“In my sketching, I was inspired by the retro style along with the durability of guitar amplifiers on the market. I wanted to design a speaker that shows you it’s a quality speaker.”

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“I based my final design on forms/features from my three rendered sketches. For my model, I laser cut/etched polystyrene, 3D printed the intricate parts, spray painted, and cased it with faux leather.”

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Disclaimer: Carhartt logo was used to complete my concept for the purposes of this project. The work seen here has no association with the Carhartt brand.


MOTUS Portable Tea Set


Footwear Project